AI水彩动漫作品:魔法少女周围繁花似锦的场景,主题:一幅令人叹为观止的抽象水彩动漫作品,描绘了一个魔法少女周围繁花似锦的场景;风格:将魔法的神奇与现实融为一体,捕捉到魔法的精髓和奇迹;背景:柔软的浅色调,营造出如梦如幻的氛围;焦点:魔法少女的精致轮廓,眼中闪耀着神秘光芒;视角:近距离,强调魔法少女和花朵的复杂细节;景深:中到高,确保魔法少女和花朵都能集中在画面中间;颜色:水彩绘画技巧创建了一个柔和和谐的颜色组合,花朵鲜艳的色彩与魔法少女柔软的色彩形成了鲜明的对比;镜头:标准镜头;照明条件:温和,温暖的照明方式为魔法少女和花朵投下了柔和的光线,增强了它们的美丽;图案/纹理:浅雾中的软云为作品增添了一丝幻想和优雅。这幅神奇的 水彩动漫作品是由Artgerm创作,采用独特的技术和风格,使画面焕发出生动活泼的色彩。
提示词由 可我AI AI 绘画提示词生成工具 生成,图片由 AI 图片免费生成工具 生成,该提示词可用于 Midjourney 、Stable Diffusion 中生成图像。

Theme: A breathtakingly beautiful abstract watercolor anime artwork of a magical girl surrounded by vibrant flowers; Style: A fusion of enchantment and reality, capturing the essence of magic and wonder; Background: A soft, pastel colored haze, evoking a dreamlike atmosphere; Focus: The magical girl’s delicate features, her eyes sparkling with a mystical light; Viewing angle: Close up, emphasizing the intricate details of the magical girl and the flowers; Depth of field: Medium to high, ensuring the magical girl and the flowers are both in focus; Color: The watercolor painting technique creates a subtle and harmonious color palette, with the flowers’ vivid shades contrasting beautifully with the magical girl’s soft hues; Lens: Standard lens; Lighting conditions: Gentle, warm lighting that casts a gentle glow on the magical girl and the flowers, enhancing their beauty; Pattern/Texture: The soft, flowing clouds of the haze add a touch of whimsy and elegance to the artwork. This magical watercolor anime artwork was created by Artgerm, using a unique blend of techniques and styles to bring the image to life.