AI设计手提包提示词:奢华透明绿色玻璃的手袋,主题:奢华透明绿色玻璃Louis Vuitton手袋,搭配黑色编织带和金色五金配件,内部充满绿色水晶和金色细节; 路易威登风格的产品摄影,时尚现代的设计,捕捉奢华的精髓和优雅; 背景:干净简洁的白色背景,凸显透明绿色玻璃袋的美感; 重点:包包的提手等关键细节,展现出复杂的工艺和高端的用料; 视角:高角度,鸟瞰包包及其内容物; 景深:深,营造纵深感和立体感; 颜色:绿色玻璃袋的透明度,与金色五金件的光泽相结合,散发着奢华、高端的感觉; 镜头:微距镜头; 采光条件:自然窗户采光,给包包投射出柔和优雅的光芒; 图案/纹理:玻璃包光滑闪亮的表面,搭配精致的皮革表带,增添了产品整体的奢华与优雅。 这张照片是 David 使用佳能 EOS 5D Mark IV 相机拍摄的,光圈为 f/2.8,ISO 400,快门速度为 1/200 秒。
提示词由 可我AI AI 绘画提示词生成工具 生成,图片由 AI 图片免费生成工具 生成,该提示词可用于 Midjourney 、Stable Diffusion 中生成图像。

Theme: Luxurious clear green glass Louis Vuitton handbag with black braid and gold hardware, and interior filled with green crystal and gold details; product photography in Louis Vuitton style, sleek and modern design, capturing the essence and elegance of luxury; Background: A clean and simple white background, highlighting the beauty of the transparent green glass bag; Focus: The handle and other key details of the bag, showing the complex craftsmanship and high-end materials used; Viewing angle: A high angle, a bird’s eye view of the bag and Its contents; Depth of field: Deep, creating a sense of depth and three-dimensionality; Color: The transparency of the green glass bag, combined with the luster of the gold hardware, exudes a luxurious, high-end feel; Lens: Macro lens; Lighting conditions: Natural window lighting casts a soft and elegant light on the bag; Pattern/Texture: The smooth and shiny surface of the glass bag, paired with an exquisite leather strap, adds to the overall luxury and elegance of the product. This photo was taken by David using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera at f/2.8, ISO 400, and a shutter speed of 1/200 second.