AI绘画室内设计关键词中文:一个引人入胜的3D渲染立方形床铺模型,受到等高线的启发。这个房间采用了温馨、柔和的食物色彩,营造出一种舒适而宁静的氛围。柔和的灯光照亮了空间,突显了立方形墙壁的精细细节和地板的纹理。这组高度详细的概念艺术作品展示了房间的独特视角,强调了其简约现代的设计。利用 ray tracing 技术将场景栩栩如生地呈现出来,呈现出令人惊叹的精确度。这件作品将成为任何建筑或设计portfolio 的绝佳补充。
A captivating 3D rendering of a cube-cutout bedroom, inspired by isometric designs. The room is bathed in a warm, muted color palette, creating a cozy and serene atmosphere. Soft lighting illuminates the space, highlighting the intricate details of the cube-cutout walls and the texture of the floor. The high-detail concept art showcases a unique perspective of the room, emphasizing its minimalist, modern design. Ray tracing technology brings the scene to life, rendering every detail with stunning precision. This piece of art would make a great addition to any architecture or design portfolio on Behance.

室内设计简约现代的粉色卧室设计关键词(prompt)由可我AI AI 绘画提示词生成器生成,图片由AI图片免费生成工具生成,该提示词可用于 Midjourney 、Stable Diffusion、DALL-E 中生成图像。