AI 绘画动物类提示词:草原上的非洲大象

一头雄伟的非洲象,生活在茂密的绿色植被和野生动物之中; 风格:经典野生动物摄影,捕捉大象的美丽与壮丽; 背景:广阔的阳光照射的稀树草原,点缀着木麻黄和其他本土植物。

AI 绘画动物类提示词:草原上的非洲大象
AI 绘画动物类提示词:草原上的非洲大象
AI 绘画动物类提示词:草原上的非洲大象
AI 绘画动物类提示词:草原上的非洲大象

提示词由 可我AI AI 绘画提示词生成工具 生成,图片由  AI 图片免费生成工具 生成,也可以用该提示词在 Midjourney 、

Stable Diffusion 中生成。


Theme: A majestic African elephant in its natural habitat, surrounded by lush green vegetation and wild animals; Style: A classic wildlife photograph taken in the golden hour, capturing the beauty and grandeur of the elephant in its element; Background: A vast, sunlit savannah landscape dotted with acacia trees and other native vegetation; Focus: The majestic elephant, its massive body and powerful limbs captured in sharp detail; Viewing angle: wide shot, highlighting the elephant’s strength and grace against the backdrop of the lush vegetation; Depth of field: shallow, emphasizing the elephant’s outline and the vibrant colors of its skin; Color: The rich, earthy tones of the elephant’s skin and fur stand out against the warm, golden light of the setting sun; Lens: Telephoto lens; Lighting conditions: The gentle warmth of the sun casts a soft, ethereal glow on the elephant, creating an atmosphere of peacefulness and awe; Pattern/Texture: The rough, textured surface of the elephant’s skin is contrasted by the smooth, green leaves of the nearby vegetation. This photograph with a Canon 5D Mark IV camera, using an aperture of f/2.8, ISO 400, and a shutter speed of 1/250 sec. UHD dtm HDR 1080p.


主题:一头雄伟的非洲象,生活在茂密的绿色植被和野生动物之中; 风格:经典野生动物摄影,捕捉大象的美丽与壮丽; 背景:广阔的阳光照射的稀树草原,点缀着木麻黄和其他本土植物; 焦点:雄伟的大象,其巨大的身体和有力的四足以鲜明的浮雕形式呈现; 视角:广角,在绿叶背景的衬托下,凸显大象的力量和优雅; 景深:浅景深,强调大象皮肤的外观和鲜艳的色彩; 颜色:大象皮肤和毛发的浓郁棕色调反射出温暖的黄色光芒; 镜头:远程镜头; 光照条件:柔和的金色阳光在大象身上投射出柔和、空灵的光芒,营造出一种和平与敬畏的氛围; 图案/纹理:粗糙的皮肤表面与附近植被的绿叶形成鲜明对比。 这张照片使用佳能 5D Mark IV 相机拍摄的,光圈为 f/2.8,ISO 400,快门速度为 1/250 秒。 超高清 dtm HDR 1080p。

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